February 19, 2013

Crowd Sourcing the Fourth Graders

I've got a novel on iPads in the grade four classroom waiting to be written. Lots of discoveries, ideas, struggles and triumphs. I just need to find the time to document it all properly. This brief gem, however, is too awesome not to share.

Earlier this year, our teaching team's excited discovery of the Edmodo app as an excellent resource for collecting and organizing student work digitally and providing an avenue for ongoing feedback was stinted by the limitation of only being able to upload images or links from the iPads. Our optimism was recently renewed by updates to the iWork apps which made it possible to upload pagesnumbers and keynote documents directly to Edmodo. The latest struggle has been with how we might be able to have students download iWork templates we post to Edmodo and open them using the associated app. It seemed that the only way to open a doc from Edmodo was as a preview and frankly, I was beginning to think it wasn't possible any other way.

Nevertheless, while driving home from the mountains yesterday I posted a sample template for students to track their mousetrap car results to Edmodo via the numbers app with the comment "let me know if any of you figure out how to open this document as a numbers template!" Honestly, I didn't expect much. This morning I woke up to 17 replies...

Problem solved, instructions posted. Clearly I wasted way too much time trying to solve this problem myself. I should have asked the fourth graders in the first place.

I love my job.


  1. Love Edmodo! Love that you are encouraging building community beyond the classroom walls! Great work at demonstrating crowdsourcing!

    1. Thanks Verena! The thanks for this definitely goes to the kids! :-)

  2. Isn't it amazing what kids can do when the expectations (and limitations) of "teacher" and "student" change? I love that my kids are the experts on some apps that we use. They teach each other and me! Empowering for them, but also a great model that we never stop learning. You don't have to be an adult to figure out a solution. LOVE that your kids do the same thing!

    1. Thanks Michelle! I definitely agree that we never stop learning - especially from kids. I've learned more teaching than I think I ever might have being "taught". Mostly because at some point I figured out how to listen. The smartest person in the room is definitely the room:-)
